Perfection Isn't Key When Speaking of a Lifestyle Change...

July 3, 2015

We all want to know, how long will it take until I see results…

When you begin to follow the Eat Clean lifestyle, you will find almost immediately you have more energy and your skin and hair become lustrous and healthy looking. This is the first sign that you are making a positive change in your health.

Each person will experience a different rate of weight loss. This is due to a number of different factors such as starting weight, genetics, the implementation OF EXERCISE AND HOW MUCH YOU DEDICATE YOURSELF TO EATING CLEAN!!!!

Healthy weight loss occurs at a rate of 2 to 3 lbs per week. Some weeks you will lose more, and some weeks you will lose less and some weeks you might not see any movement at all. But don't let this discourage you! Have faith in the temporary stall and focus on the other positive changes that are taking place within your body!!!

Losing weight at a healthy rate has numerous positive benefits. It helps your skin adjust, which minimizes any excess skin you might have after you finish losing. Your heart, lungs and muscles also need a chance to catch up!

-Have a wonderful day and remember that your weight loss is 80% nutrition! So if you are feeling frustrated what do you feel is holding you back from propelling forward in your weight loss?

Need help? I have a  Summer Survival Body Camp Challenge starting soon! Message me for details. I have just a few spots left. You don't have to be local-this is a private FB group setting where I provide a ton of support and accountability in a setting with people who have similar goals. smile emoticon

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