My Tips For Starting Out A Morning Workout Routine...

July 2, 2015

~The main reason for writing this post is because this has been one of my BIGGEST struggles on my fitness journey and I wanted to share what has worked for me…

I recommend exercising in the morning for two reasons. First, it gets exercise out of the way before a million excuses start to form, before you get busy with your day and before your shower to start your day! In my opinion, this is a much easier fix than trying to find an hour in the middle of the day or at night. 

The second reason I like to exercise in the morning is it starts my day on a positive note. That 30 min to one-hour of exercise helps me stay focused and energized throughout the entire day. Feeling productive and accomplished is a priority for me. I need that. When I start my day with exercise, I feel productive, accomplished, and ready to take on the world. I truly enjoy my day more!!!

Here are 6 tips on how to start your exercise routine in the morning:

1.Pick a time that's realistic
I find it very tempting to set my alarm super early and just get up and start my workout immediately. However, this is not realistic for me. As a diabetic, I have to wake up and eat breakfast with protein before I start any form of exercise. A time that I can stick with is 7:30 am. This allows me to get the proper amount of sleep and still enough time for a solid workout. If you pick a time that you can never stick with, you will find it very difficult to create a routine and habit around that. Once you choose your time, don't let anything get in the way of that time- nothing else takes priority!

2. Get a good night sleep
Make sure you go to bed at a decent time to wake up at the time you have chosen to workout. This will help you get out of bed with ease and will ensure you have the energy for your workout. We need at least 7-9 hours of sleep to function at our best. My goal bedtime is 11:30. If I stay up any later, waking up will be a struggle for me in the morning! Be sure to take a few minutes to wake up before you start.

3. Lay out everything you will need for your workout by your bed the night before. Since you have set your time and made it a priority, you don't want anything to make you late to your workout, this includes looking for your clothes, shoes, earbuds, etc. As soon as you wake, put your workout clothes and sneakers on. By doing this it prevents you from talking yourself out of your "me" time.

4. Plan ahead! Know which workout you are doing the night before. Schedule your workouts like you do your meal planning. Know what you are going to do, for how long and which days are you rest days. If you do not have an exercise routine, reach out to me and i'll help you find one that fits your goals and lifestyle! All of my exercises are done in my home. Therefore, I don’t need to plan for travel time to a gym and my routine is already set up monthly for me day by day. I just follow the schedule that comes with my program made by certified personal trainers. If time is an issue for you, I highly recommend creating a home exercise routine in place of going to the gym. The take away point here is to wake up with a plan. Having your exercise routine in place beforehand will make all the difference with keeping you focused and following through.

5. Music is a key motivator
For me, the right music (something motivating & high energy) makes a huge difference to help not only get me pumped up for a workout but also to keeps me going throughout my workout. Some people like playlists but for me, that playlist gets old quickly and I don't have the time to always create new ones so I listen to Pandora…I have a few stations that I love and I stick with them. If you have a favorite station, please share with me below. I'm always looking for new music. wink emoticon

6. Exercise at Least 5 Days a Week
Make exercise a daily activity this way it won't feel like you're always starting over. If you make it a habit, your body and mind will get used to the activity and it won't be so difficult. Consistency is key! Trust me, it will be hard at first BUT give it time!

*IT DOESN'T GET EASIER- YOU GET STRONGER! smile emoticon Keep this in mind! You've got this! If you need the motivation and all the tools to help you reach your goals, reach out to me and i'll help you get started and possibly add you in one of my all women health & fitness accountably groups if interested in the extra support!

--------> Is there anything that you do to stick with your morning routine that I have not listed here? It's still a struggle for me somedays. I'd LOVE to hear what works for you! 

 #Health #Fitness#Healthylifestyle #Lifestyle #Blessed #Lovinglife#Family #Fun #Challenge #Training #age#transformation #eatclean #muscle #diet #road2bfit#eat #fitlife #digdeep#lovehaterelationship #boom #giveitallyougotandjustalittlebitmore #diabetic #Type1 

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