Today I wanted to address a common question about H O W M U C H you can eat on the 21 day fix program.....

July 3, 2015

Common #21DayFix Nutrition Question:

For those of you wondering about how much you can eat on the fix, at 128 pounds, I was at the lowest calorie bracket (no one will ever eat below 1200 calories) and I am eating:

5 Reds (proteins), 2 Yellows (carbs), 4 Greens (vegetables), 2 Purples (fruit), 1 Blue (nuts/healthy fats) and 1 Orange (oils) every single day.

----> When you eat NUTRIENT DENSE FOOD you can eat a TON of it. Most of us are used to eating high calorie, low nutrient foods that don't fill us up, help fuel and heal our bodies and keep us satisfied.

Want to join me? My next group will teach you when to eat, what to eat, how much to eat. Combine that with an awesome and specific fitness regimen that combines cardio, strength, stretch and you have measurable results every week! In 21 days, you will have a new habit that is delicious, fits into your schedule and gives results!

You do not have to be local. My group is an online private group.
Message me if you'd like more information about my group! smile emoticon


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