My tips on how to add a quick & super easy veggie to your lunch or dinner!!!

July 8, 2015

So many of my team members complain that they don't eat enough veggies. They make excuses like, "Oh, my husband cooks on the weekends and doesn't make veggies." This is NO EXCUSE guys!!! 

Make veggies a PRIORITY! You're body needs them!

Here is my QUICK and EASY tip for you:

I get the Birdseye brand green beans-french style or any frozen broccoli 

I cook both on the stove top…

Green beans take no time- super quick! Add a teaspoon or less depending on how much is in the pan of coconut oil, throw in green beans and cook on high until cooked! (Takes less than 5 minutes total!)

Broccoli, I do the same but add water and steam then melt coconut butter or olive oil on top after I put it on my plate...

I add sea salt and fresh crushed pepper to both! ;-)

----> As a part of the 21DayFix meal plan, I must eat 4 servings of veggies each day. So, I always start my day with Shakeology and add in some fresh spinach leaves (1 green). For lunch, I make a salad and add either egg or chicken breast (2 greens). For snack, I love snow peas or carrots with hummus (1 green). For dinner, I usually cook either the broccoli or the green beans above (1 green). This is how I make sure i get all my veggies in for the day! ;-)

Did you find this helpful? If so, let me know! More tips to come! ;-)

What your favorite veggie side that's super quick and healthy?!

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