Would You Like to Improve the Look and Feel of Your Skin?

June 29, 2015

What is one thing do you do for yourself that you believe keeps you feeling or looking young?

For me, it's these things daily: working out, watching my portions, drinking at least 8 glasses of water and my nutrient dense shake.

For my face, I use baby wash cloths because they are so soft. wink emoticon
I wash my face every night and I always use moisturizer on my face and body and I always, always, always look at the positive in life- I believe optimism is key! heart emoticon

This post was inspired by comments i've been getting lately on my age LOL…it's quite entertaining and fun! wink emoticon

------->For those who don't know me, how old do YOU think I am?

Sometimes the simplest little changes can improve your skin! Here are some tips:

1. GIRLS AND GUYS- Clean your cell phone daily. Contact acne is pretty easy to avoid.. clean whatever is touching your face. The best way to clean your phone is by taking a damp cloth and wiping it daily to remove any excess makeup, oil and sweat.

2. GIRLS- Clean your makeup brushes once a month. If you don't they can become a breading ground for bacteria.

3. GUYS AND GALS- Change your pillowcase more often. Changing your pillowcase every other night (sounds drastic) can be extremely beneficial to your skin. During sleep you sweat and and yes, sometimes drool. If you are a tosser... you are rubbing your face in the pillow which results in dead skin cell debris on your pillowcase. If you keep placing your pretty face there night after night without changing it you may be causing unnecessary breakouts.

4. GUYS AND GALS- Diet and eating habits is KEY to great skin! Our skin is the largest organ and everything we put into our bodies plays a role on how your skin looks and feels. If you are loading up on processed carbs, genetically modified unhealthy foods...chances are your skin is suffering. If you need help with your nutrition, reach out to me! I'd love to help!

5. DRINK LEMON WATER- everyday! It's SOOO good for you! See all the reasons why below!

DO YOU have an all natural regimen that you use to wash and moisturize your face that you LOVE? If so, I want to know!!! Share below!

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