Strive for Progress, Not Perfection...

June 29, 2015

A nice reminder to forget the number on the scale. Just worry about eating healthy and exercise! Celebrate those non scale victories! Measuring is key and pictures and we all know how our clothes fit tells it all! ;-)

Today, I want you to tell yourself: DON’T STRIVE FOR PERFECTION--STRIVE FOR PROGRESS...and celebrate your successes!!! Yes, goals are important, but It’s so easy to get caught up in what you wish your end results to be that you forget to celebrate your successes and appreciate your PROGRESS! 

Remember: It’s the LITTLE, simple decisions YOU make each day that compound into your success. You brush your teeth everyday, right? If you skipped a day, you wouldn’t get cavities, but if you skipped months you just might!

Saying no to pizza, chocolate, or wine is a DECISION. It’s easy to say no, but it’s also easy NOT to say no. If you gave in once…you wouldn’t gain a ton of weight, but if you gave in consistently, you would.

Working out is also a decision. It’s easy to do, yet easy NOT to do. A week’s worth of workout may not show much progression….but, imagine your progress if you made your workouts a non-negotiable habit (like teeth brushing)...imagine how you’d look and feel a few months from now, 6 months, one year!!

Fit tip of the day: Do not skip meals and make sure you are eating something every 2-3 hours! Take almonds, low fat string cheese, boiled egg, carrots and hummus, etc. with you on the road so that you always have something healthy with you and are not tempted by convenience food. wink emoticon

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