To My Friends With Diabetes...

June 23, 2015

So, I just wanted to share something with ya'll! I met a girl today that also has type 1 Diabetes. She randomly messaged me and said that my doctor told her about me! My doctor asked her this morning what she had for breakfast and guess what she said?!?! Haha! Shakeology!!! She then told her about me and how I drink it too and gave her my name! She's such a nice person! We have a lot in common too! We were both diagnosed with Diabetes 5 years ago. smile emoticon I love connecting with people with Diabetes and discussing our issues & talking about things that work for us. It brings me such great joy helping other people and I look forward meeting many others like this sweetheart I met today! I'm not letting my disease get me down! It CAN'T hold me back! Thanks to a healthy diet and daily exercise, I CAN control it! I have learned to see my illness as a blessing. Since August 2013, I have been teaching this healthy lifestyle to those around me and to the people who have reached out to me for help. I feel it is my purpose in life and why I am here today. I look forward to helping MANY MANY MANY more people in the years to come and helping them better their lives in any way I can!

So to all of you out there who has Diabetes PLEASE take care of yourselves! Go to your doctor, learn what you can, eat good HEALTHY food! Your health always seems much more valuable after you lose it! As my favorite quote reads, "Take care of your body as it's the only place you have to live!"


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