This is HARD for Me to Post But Here it Goes------> If This Inspires Even One Person, Then I've Done My Job.

June 29, 2015

This picture to the left was me in August of last year. I was out of shape, I was super stressed with my job and just felt bad about my body. All of the stress of my job had piled up and even though I was working out every day, I wasn't getting anywhere because my nutrition was TERRIBLE. I was using food as an emotional outlet and after it was all said and done, I lost all my confidence. I was not happy with myself or what I was doing career wise. I was questioning everything and searching for answers as to what to do next. I had been pondering the idea of coaching for over a year and in November of last year, I decided that ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH. I said GOODBYE to my full time stressful job and HELLO to my new life! I kept telling myself to just do it- take that chance- a chance to be HAPPY and do what I love to do best-----> giving and helping others. I started coaching full time and really starting putting myself and my nutrition first. I started prepping my meals and continued with my 30 min or more a day workouts and started drinking Shakeology daily. Day by day I started to get out of that funk and started feeling better.


The picture on the right is me today- STRESS FREE. See what stress can do to you?! I am very HAPPY and PROUD of what i'm doing now. I'm not yet at my goal body but I FEEL so much better! I found my confidence again! wink emoticon I can wear those small shorts I never wanted to wear last summer and those fun little summer dresses.

I now have what I consider the most important thing in life--->FREEDOM<--- I have a job where I'm my own boss and literally work from anywhere! It's freedom from having to answer to someone else and doing what I want to do when I want to do it. Working my BOOTY off to help someone else be successful is not for me. I am very OCD and put every ounce of energy I have in to what I do. I'm a #girlboss and PROUD of it! I LOVE the idea of being home with my kids when I have them and being present with them everyday while they are young.

I am also now able TO GIVE- it brings me great JOY. I want to be able to create a life of wealth so that I can help others by giving. This to me is what life is all about and what I live for. I'm on my way! I also love this business because as I am helping myself and my team succeed in making this business their full time jobs, I'm also helping SO MANY people by teaching them a healthy lifestyle as a PREVENTATIVE for sickness and disease which is a great gift to give! Amen?! smile emoticon

#TransformationTuesday #Pinkpineapplefitnessandnutrition #TBT #foreverchanged

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