Hello! I'm Stacy and this is "Stacy's Slice of Life"! Thank you for visiting!

June 23, 2015

Hi ya'll! I'm Stacy. Thank you for checking out my new blog! I wanted to share something about my life that I struggle with every day- TYPE 1 DIABETES.

As a person with type 1 Diabetes, I have had a Dexcom reader for a couple of years now. Before I got this device, I was  a bit apprehensive of it and how it would work for me and was pretty sure I wouldn't like having something attached to me at all times. The day I got it and attached it and set it up and cried all day. I didn't like having the device attached to me even though it was wireless and was going to help me. -------> Fast forward to today! My husband and I are totally dependent on it! We are both IN LOVE with this small piece of machinery as it simplifies everything! It tells us when my blood sugar is rising and lowering and alerts us when it's out of range! I am able to download my results after 2 weeks and send them to my doctor for her review and allows her to adjust my insulin! Since I have had the reader, I am able to sleep better at night knowing that my alarm will go off if my blood sugar gets out of range and I can take action before it gets out of control. I LOVE that I can workout and keep a close eye on my numbers! What an amazing piece of technology! After having one, I don't know what I would do without it! I would recommend this to anyone with Diabetes! I am so THANKFUL for diabetes research and the good things to come!

Do you have Diabetes or know someone who does? Please ask them to read this post. This little device has been a lifesaver for me and has decreased my A1C over 3 points! I am now in healthy range to get pregnant due to this awesome continuous glucose meter!!! What a blessing!!!

If you have any questions, please reach out to me!!! i'm happy to answer any questions about Dexcom and am happy to help!!! <3

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