Snacks Prepped and Ready for the Weekend! Do You Meal Prep???

July 2, 2015

I've got all my snacks ready for a healthy weekend! I'm packing these in a cooler and bringing them to the ball game and to the beach this weekend!

*Tip* Plan your foods each week and prep them on Sunday. This makes it easier during the week when you're busy and insures you are making the good healthy choices when you need to grab and go! wink emoticon

Here are some other healthy options for you:

Hummus Dippers:

Put 2 tablespoons of your favorite hummus in the bottom of the container, stick a handful of vegetable sticks (carrots, celery, and snow peas are a great mix) vertically in the hummus, cover, and throw in a purse or gym bag for an easy, on-the-go, super-healthy snack.

Cottage-Style Fruit:

Top 1/2 cup cottage cheese with 1/2 cup of your favorite fruit. Not sure what fruit to pick? Try some superfoods! Bananas, mixed berries, and melon are great!

Deli Rollup:

Top 2 slices of deli meat (turkey, chicken, or roast beef work great) with 1 slice of cheese and a shake of pepper. Add a slice of tomato or some lettuce for extra veggie points!

Nut Butter Boat:

Any vehicle for nut butter is perfection in our book. Try loading a few celery sticks with 1 tablespoon of any nut butter (almond, cashew, walnut) topped with a few whole almonds or raisins. If you’re not a fan of celery, try scooping out the middle of an apple and filling it with your nut butter of choice.

Pumpkin Seeds:

Just 1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds has about 14 grams of protein, making it the perfect pre-workout snack!

Mixed Nuts or Trail Mix:

Mixed nuts provide an easy way to get a delicious dose of protein in a convenient, shelf-stable package. Try a mixed bunch for variety and a combo with dried fruit for some added sweetness. Almonds and pistachios are best. They're higher in protein than their nutty peers.

*Do you meal prep? Highly recommended! ;-) It helps keep you on track and not reaching for an unhealthy option because you're hungry and in a pinch. I hold monthly meal prep groups…if interested friend me on Facebook and let me know that you're interested in joining one! They are FREE! :-)

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