This is the time of year when I discovered that I had a precancerous mole and you'll never guess where- YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS!!!
MAKE SURE YOU CHECK EVERY INCH OF YOUR BODY FOR UNEVEN AND RAISED MOLES AND SPOTS and have your doctor look over your whole body too! I mean it! If you are afraid to go get checked because you think it's embarrassing, know that your doctor has seen THOUSANDS of bodies…just do it!
After a thorough examination last year, my doctor found an atypical spot which I had removed from a place I know the sun has NEVER hit (within my left booty cheek).
SO, just because the SUN hasn't hit a certain area of your body DOES NOT MEAN that you can't have a cancerous spot in those places which I'm sure you have heard before BUT here's your reminder. So, please, if you haven't been checked, please do so ASAP. It could save your life!

Much love friends!!! See link in comments for more info.
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