More than ever, I've noticed not as many people actually say hello anymore when I'm out and about. Everyone looking down and not making eye contact. But why? Life's too short! Why not be friendly?
I always try to make it a point to say hi and help those who AREN'T smiling as they are the ones that need it the most. We've all been there right? Someone going out of their way with a sweet compliment can really change your day!
When I'm out and about, If I see someone who appears to be having a bad day, I compliment them by telling them how pretty they are or how much I like their outfit, lend a helping hand, etc. If I get a smile back, then it was worth it. Also, for Wealth Wednesday, I find some way to pay it forward to others without then knowing it was me. To prove that there are still good people in this world and show them that someone cares. Everyone is facing their own internal battles within. You never know when you might restore faith into someone who has given up on life.

Think about it. Living in the present and taking time out to listen and care can even change OUR lives.
Kindness and compassion speaks volumes always. Let your words heal, not wound. Be kind and don't let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness in this world steal your sweetness.
"If you light a lamp for someone else it will also brighten your path." -Buddha
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