Holiday Tips to Enjoy Christmas More from Your Coach!

December 9, 2015

OH MY GOODNESS!!! My ENTIRE living room and dining room is stacked with Christmas decorations and containers! My Christmas tree is not up yet and I have presents buy and wrap, pictures to get taken, gifts to send, places to be and work here at home to be done! I'm pretending all will be ok and that I'll get to all of it by tomorrow but that's just not reality! Does anyone else feel overwhelmed with Holidays here and Christmas approaching so quickly?!

Wouldn't the real Christmas miracle be if we slowed down long enough to remember the reason for the season, so that our holiday celebrations became authentic and meaningful?

So, what I will do is BE OF GOOD CHEER! :-) I will not be frazzled or frustrated. I will do Christmas my way- whatever that may be. I can consciously decide to be happy, loving, fulfilled, generous, spiritual, calm and emotionally connected to the important people in your life for the holidays this year.
Or I can unconsciously choose to be a wreck.

Today- realize that you can't do everything and recognize that one of the reasons Christmas pasts didn't live up to your expectations is because you've tried to do too much, too perfectly! I am guilty of this!

Look at your list. Choose to let ONLY what you love about the holidays remain. Cross out 2 more "musts". Now there's time for you to do all those fun little things with your loved ones that you love and what makes this season so special to each of you! <3 

I'll be using this time to see my family more as well as my closest friends, to run around with my niece and nephew and to take them to see pretty Christmas lights, to watch Christmas movies with my hubby, sip hot coco by the fire and bake yummy/healthier cookies for those who make my life easier throughout the year. I'd also love to help feed the homeless and pay it forward by doing some small random acts of kindness for others every day. <3

I believe that the secret to living is giving. Ultimately what you get will never make you happy long term but what you become and what you contribute will. Let's all find a way to appreciate more and expect less. 


1 comment :

  1. Yes, Yes, Yes!!! Simplify and enjoy is my new life motto... not just Christmas.


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