My Top 10 Ways to Stay Healthy!

July 29, 2018

My top 10 ways to stay healthy: 
#1 consistency
#2 everything in moderation 
#3 stay away from artificial sweeteners ✖️
#4 buy ONLY organic meats and cheeses (hormones are so bad for us and our skin) 🧀
#5 berries every morning as they are loaded with antioxidants and great for memory 🍓
#6 try adding a serving of veggies with every single meal and if you don’t like the taste of veggies-👉🏼 juice them and add fruit and coconut oil 🥑
#7 make moving a priority & find things that reduce stress in your life. Do the things that make you HAPPY. It doesn't matter how it's done pick something you ENJOY! For me, tennis, home workouts, group classes, walking my Lola girl, getting on the treadmill or bike while on the phone, stand up paddle boarding and bike rides outdoors.🚴🏽‍♀️ Some of these I still can’t do without foot pain from my foot being run over a year later.😥
#8💦 water water water -all day long. Don’t drink your calories!!! Most of the time you think you are hungry-you are dehydrated.
#9 eat all carbs early in the day and before workout. Limit or none in evening. 🍞
#10 limit SUGAR intake. The less you eat it, the less you crave it and the less you age.🏼 #fact

I’d love to hear yours too! Please share in comments! :-)

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