With your support, we can make this an annual event that brings the community together raising funds for this important organization every year. We are currently looking for golfers and corporate sponsors for the event. Thank you for taking taking time out of your day to read this. This project means so much to me and my hubby. <3
Below are 5 simple ways that you can make a difference:
1. Make a contribution to Brothers In Arms Foundation at http://www.brothersinarmsfoundation.org/donate. We are an all volunteer force. ❤️
2. Support Brothers In Arms Foundation like I do on Amazon.com. 5% of your purchase will go to BIAF. Sign up with me at https://smile.amazon.com. You can order from that site every time you order on Amazon. (I saved the smile page with Brother's In Arms Foundation selected to my favorites tab.)
3. Ask your boss or company about corporate matching contributions. Many companies, large and small have these programs. It can't hurt to ask. To read more about our upcoming charity golf tournament- click here.
4. We are looking for hole sponsors and silent auction items for the tourney.
5. Join me for East Coast Tourney in Novemeber!
6. Share this post.