You Had Me at Wine! Haha! So, what's this new business all about you ask?!

August 13, 2017

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My name is Stacy Whitehead - many of you know I was a full time Beachbody coach for almost 4 years. I made a change about 4 months ago and no longer work for Beachbody...I found a NEW opportunity that was WAY too good to pass up and much more FUN!

I'm a wife, a dog mom, and I've been my OWN boss for the last 4 years. I originally started a network marketing company so I could work for myself and have the freedom to keep my FUN side job with BMW of North America and continue traveling the US as a spokesperson for the brand. Since joining network marketing, I've been able to experience TRUE freedom, residual income, setting my own hours, working from anywhere from my smart phone and after 4 months in my new biz, I'm currently in the top 20 of the entire company and leaving tomorrow for an all expense paid trip to Aruba and i'm never looking back! What a breath of FRESH AIR it has been from my previous NM company!

I am a BELIEVER in network marketing as it's completely changed my life in every way possible, but I was working a health and fitness business and the company made some changes that I didn't agree with and I decided to leave and start over with a company with HUGE potential (I KNOW potential when I see it ya'll!!).  I chose to LEAVE coaching FOR this opportunity!!  It's been nothing but a breath of fresh air and it has been 100% WORTH IT!!! <3

When researching my next MLM venture, I was looking for:

   A product people love and ALREADY spend their money on (this company has a 93% reorder / retention rate) - for you NWM buffs…you know this means incredible GROWTH if people love and look forward to sticking with the product 93% of the time. Imagine how that BUILDS residual income over time!!!!

  An established company (founded in 2014) that is DEBT FREE, and new to network marketing (ground floor!!!). I started my last company at a SUPER saturated time, but this is “ground floor” so it's super exciting!!!

πŸ™Œ  That is NOT saturated. I find that health and fitness companies are tough. Yes, everyone needs health and fitness…but, not everyone needs ONE specific health and fitness product - I find they like to bounce around to different products to see what works for them. And, most health and fitness companies are very saturated and are sometimes difficult to break into new markets outside of the US because of shipping / supplement approval issues. This company is in its infant stage - my last company had 400k people. This one has less than 30k.

πŸŽ‰   A business that is FUN. WINE certainly is! Always a convo starter and a great reason to get together with you friends and share your love for wine. <3

❤️   A business that ties into my PASSION - helping others make a substantial income for their families that can be immediate (based on the work they put into it!)

😰   A business that doesn’t dominate my time and take over my LIFE. I love helping people and I will still help anyone who reaches out to me for free health and fitness advice. But, running challenge groups, free 5 day groups, creating content, creating meal plans every month, and training groups were SO much for me to keep up with and honestly when you are asking someone to buy into their health & fitness, it's a huge scary change. Plus i was emotionally investing in people who didn't want to put in the work. I was craving a more SIMPLE life with something people spend their money on anyway.

πŸ’°   A business with a compensation plan that is the best I’ve seen - lucrative immediate bonuses, weekly residual income, sustained long term stability income, and check match.

🏑   A business that ties into almost anything and helping small businesses like hair salons and med spas create business location awareness and give networking opportunities to draw new people to their businesses.

πŸ˜‰   A business with amazing customer service and a 100% satisfaction guarantee (in my last business, customer service was a complete headache!!!)

  A business with a simple, user friendly, sophisticated website with easy ordering that can handle company growth and expansion without crashing.

πŸ‘  A company that doesn’t compete with its own distributors by selling product on amazon or running FB ads that may target your friends.

πŸ“¦   A company that keeps all of the inventory and does all of the packing, shipping, and takes care of customer service inquiries FOR me!

πŸ‘―   DUPLICATABLE - “It’s not what works, it’s what duplicates”. - Eric Worre. In our last company…there were so many elements and it was super hard to duplicate. This company has a simple system that works. I love that!!!

Oh, and the product just HAPPENS to be….

🍷WINE!!!!🍷——>> which most people love (including me in MODERATION), and if they don’t love wine, they know a TON of people who do. πŸ·

And, this isn’t just ANY wine. It’s premium wine from boutique vineyards from all over the world that you can’t purchase anywhere else: Italy, Portugal, South Africa, etc. - AND, it’s delivered to your door 

GREAT product meets INCREDIBLE business opportunity - I’M IN!!πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

I currently have a GOLDEN EGG OPPORTUNITY. You know THIS GIRL is taking this thang to the top! I've made NWM a success and I WILL do it again with this FUN wine biz…and, I want some motivated people to join me….this is going to be HUGE!!!


Click here for a company overview!

Email Stacy at with any questions. <3

Click HERE to Join the Team!

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