My transformation story today is a little different than most....

November 3, 2015

Stacy Westbrook, Stacy Whitehead, Clean Eating, Accountability, Challenge, 21 Day Fix, Body Image, 21 Day Fix Recipes, Shakeology, Free People, Cheerleader, Health and Fitness Coach, Get in Shape, Type 1 Diabetes, type1, Insulin, Healthy Diabetic, Humalog, Lantus, test strips, get healthy, diabetic


My transformations story today is a little different than most...

This picture makes memories rise quickly for me...many good but a really bad memory sticks out when seeing my arm here...

I was traveling the auto show circuit for BMW at the time with a group of amazing men and women who are now some of my best friends. I had just broke my arm before this pic was taken in New York. I blacked out while full out sprinting! It was very scary as I wake up laying in the road of our little subdivision, no one around to help me as I yelled out for help. It took me a while to be able to stand up as I was bleeding terribly and was in shock of what had just happened. I had never broken a bone in my body until this day and was training for a half marathon. This was not how I found out I had diabetes...I already had been diagnosed.

Fast forward to today, it took a lot of nerve to start running again. I was afraid to for quite some time. Today, I run with my Dexcom CGM and feel confident that I'll be fine! I also workout daily in my home and with the help of my amazing Dexcom, I have the confidence to do so alone. What a blessing it has been in my life.

Even though I had a great transformation last year with one of my programs, I think my biggest transformation has happened in the inside! I'm healthier, happier and I take of of myself as best as I can with type 1 diabetes. Everyday is a struggle but I'm keeping my head up as I am stronger than this disease!!! You are too my friends with Diabetes! Believe in yourself!!! You've got this!!!

#t1dlookslikeme #T1DiabetesAwarenessMonth #jdrf #risingabove #iamstrong #dexcom #followmefordailymotivation

------> If you'd like to hear my story about how I found out I had Diabetes, stay tuned...I'll be posting about that soon along with some helpful tips that have worked for me!!! <3

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