Healthy Things I Use Daily

August 28, 2015

Stacy Westbrook, Stacy Whitehead, Clean Eating, Accountability, Challenge, 21 Day Fix, Body Image, 21 Day Fix Recipes, Shakeology, Free People, Cheerleader, Health and Fitness Coach, Get in Shape

Hey guys! My team members ask me all the time about the types of condiments and foods I use daily. So, here you go! I'm always looking for new, healthy options to switch things up a bit SO, if you use something daily that you love and is healthy, PLEASE share below! I'd love to try out your faves as well! :-)

My next 21 Day Accountability Group starts Monday!!! It's gonna be fun! Message me for more info!!! (You don't have to be local) ;-)

Have a lovely weekend friends!!!


1 comment :

  1. So one month ago I saw Stacy Whitehead post an invitation to anyone who would like to join a group for fitness. It was called to 21 day fix program. I immediately replied, because just days prior my Mother in law had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at 77 years old, Also my hubby had been at the request of his Dr to have a 1200 calorie diet for weight loss for health purposes, mostly for back and knee issues. I knew as the primary cook for the home these changes needed to begin with me, lets face it I needed a fitness plan too. I am nearly 50 and I am over weight and loosing my tone quickly. Since starting to the 21 day fix I have lost 7 pounds as of today, 7 inches and my eating habits and nutrition has changed forever! My hubby has lost 13 pounds so far and 4 inches, My Mother in law has lost 5 pounds...We haven't measured her ,but her sugar levels have gone from being in the high 150's to below 100. My daughter who had a baby 4 months ago had taken my advise and has lost a total of 6 inches around her waist. Stacy has not only through great encouragement and leadership changed my life , but 3 others as well!! This isn't something Stacy does for just financial gain, She genuinely cares for the people shes helping, and will go out of her way to help you achieve your goals! I will forever be grateful and I want to say one more thing. Since I have been using Shakeology my energy level and alertness has gone through the roof! I ran out and had to call Stacy to get more. Without it I felt run down and tired! She delivered it right to my door! She cares and is on a mission to make others healthy. I for one am forever changed and grateful! The greatest gift is being able to pay it forward! Here's to the 21 day fix and, Stacy Whitehead!!!


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