This event has been cancelled due to lack of preregistrations.
There is still a tourney going on over on the East coast in Melbourne the first weekend in November if you’d like to participate in that one CLICK HERE to register and keep reading below for more details about this non profit and why it means so much to us.
You can pre-reg
Friends, If you're wondering why you haven't seen much of me on here, I have been working behind the scenes with my hubby on a PASSION PROJECT of ours. Donnie's college teammate/roommate's brother was killed in Afghanistan in 2012 while serving our country. We are SO PROUD to announce that we'll be hosting a Charity Golf Classic here on the west coast of Florida at Southern Hills Plantation Club for the Brothers In Arms Foundation. (Essentially the same idea as Wounded Warriors but ALL profits go directly to helping families of wounded or fallen soldiers)
Our goal is to raise $100,000 for the Brothers In Arms Foundation in honor of Donnie's dear friend and roommate GySgt Jonathan Gifford. 

The Brothers In Arms Foundation was founded in 2009 and is an all-volunteer veteran operated nonprofit organization. They “fill the gap” by providing financial and logistical support to disabled veterans, active duty, and immediate family members of Marines & FMF Navy Corpsman who have been wounded, fallen, ill or injured while serving within Marine Special Operations Community (encompassing MARSOC, Marine Force Reconnaissance Companies and Battalions).
In addition to family specific programs, we assist Special Operations Marines & Corpsman in the following ways:
* Donate/purchase airfare, food/lodging and transportation to Service Members, Veterans and family members visiting wounded or fallen Marines
*Purchase medical supplies for wounded Service Members & Veterans recovering at home
*Donate money to special projects supporting Service Members & Veterans
*Donate money to families needing assistance with relocation due to a family member in a rehabilitation hospital
*Education and Childcare financial assistance
*Home modification assistance for Service Members & Veterans disabled in the line of duty
The Charity Golf Classic at Southern Hills Plantation will celebrate those that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Among those we will celebrate is GySgt Gifford; born in 1977, grew up in Palm Bay, FL and became a proud member of the United States Marine Corps in 1995. During his years of service, Gifford was a member of the Corps’ Force Reconnaissance community and later joined MARSOC. He completed five combat deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. He earned the Navy Cross (posthumously), the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with combat “V”, two Bronze Star’s with “V”, and the Purple Heart. During his latest combat tour in the Badghis Province of Afghanistan, Gifford was fatally wounded 29 July 2012 during a precision raid. He is survived by his wife and their 5 sons.
If you are interested in supporting this great cause and honoring the memory of Donnie's dear friend, please message or call me to learn more or keep reading. If you'd like to participate in the golf tournament, click here.
We welcome donations for the silent auction and if you would like some ideas on the types of items and services to donate, please contact me and we can discuss a variety of options.
With your support, we can make this an annual event that brings the community together raising funds for this important organization every year. We are currently looking for golfers and corporate sponsors for the event.
Join our effort to show our respect, admiration, and support for our military and their families. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or to get more info.
I look forward to hearing from ya'll and appreciate each and every one of you for taking the time to read this message. This project means so much to us. 

Stacy Whitehead
Brothers in Arms Charity Golf Classic Cohost & Coordinator
Stacy Whitehead
Brothers in Arms Charity Golf Classic Cohost & Coordinator
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Individual Sponsors:
Suzy Roth Auth
Teresa Westbrook
Melissa Becton
Sally Beach
Sally Beach
Neil Gallagher
Dawn Tate
Charlie Aldrich
Charlie Aldrich
Lori Tokar
Sam Hunter
Sam Hunter
Would you or your business like to contribute a tax deductible donation to such a worthy cause?
We take our mission seriously: when you donate to Brothers In Arms Foundation, your money goes directly to those that are in need of it. $0.93 of every dollar donated goes towards generating dollars for:
• Purchase airfare, food/lodging and transportation to Service Members, Veterans and family members visiting ill or wounded Marines or attending funeral services
• Education expenses for spouses and children of fallen Marines or Navy Corpsmen
• Medical supplies for wounded Service Members & Veterans recovering at home
• Special projects supporting fallen Service Members & Veterans
• Relocation assistance not covered by the U.S. Military
• Childcare assistance
• Home modifications for Service Members & Veterans disabled in the line of duty

*PLEASE NOTE* THE DATE HAS BEEN RECENTLY MOVED TO OCT. 14TH. Mark your calendars! Click here to to play!
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(If you have trouble printing these forms, please email me and I'll be happy to send ya a printable version) |
Brothers In Arms Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt Service Disabled Veteran Operated State of Florida Nonprofit Organization. Our mission is to provide financial and logistical support to immediate family members of Marines & FMF Corpsman who have been critically wounded, or fallen while serving within the Special Operations Community of The United States Marine Corps.
#BrothersInArmsFoundation #CharityGolfClassic #Brooksville #FL#SouthernHillsPlantationClub #WestCoast
#Charity #SharingisCaring #NonprofitOrganization #DisabledVeterans #ActiveDuty #Marines
#FMFNavyCorpseman #MarinesSpecialOperations #battalion #marine #Veteran #Veterans
#Honor #Memory #Donations #SilentAuctionDonations #MajorSponsors #PassionProject
#Servicemembers #USA #UnitedStatesofAmerica #Service
#FMFNavyCorpseman #MarinesSpecialOperations #battalion #marine #Veteran #Veterans
#Honor #Memory #Donations #SilentAuctionDonations #MajorSponsors #PassionProject
#Servicemembers #USA #UnitedStatesofAmerica #Service